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Shenzhen Yonglun Automation Equipment Co., Ltd

Contact person:Mr. Pu Yonggang (General Manager)


Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2

QQ; 1660780726




Quick understanding of automatic assembly locking screw machine.

Release date:2018-05-02 The author:admin Click on:

The automatic terminal can be divided into: Automatic single head pressure terminal machine (PLC and single chip microcomputer control, servo motor or stepper motor power, the production process without artificial participation, high production efficiency, at present this type of domestic equipment can realize about 5000 PCS per hour of wire cutting, thin skin, single-ended pressure terminal, can automatically detect terminal voltage quality, relatively popular in the domestic market) automatic single head pressure head line wetting terminal machine (PLC and single chip microcomputer control, servo motor or stepper motor power, the production process without artificial participation, high production efficiency, at present, this type of domestic equipment can realize every little When about 4000 PCS of wire cutting, thin skin, single-ended pressure terminal, single-ended twisted wire + sticky flux, wetting, can automatically detect terminal voltage quality, is the current domestic market one of the highest degree of automation terminal machine) in recent five years in the server with (quiet) terminal machine, his works and the above is not the same, is just a information to the server, this information to the motor, again into an action. Terminal pressing and fine quality products. Semi-automatic terminal machine, we are generally referred to as a terminal, which is now above the general market, we often see the kind of erect type desktop terminal machine, this kind of terminal machine with a clutch pedal blackout, because of the terminal during its non-stop motor motor works, every time on the pedal will give an "O" power signal. This is one of our most common terminal types.

Related tags:Shenzhenautomaticassemblymachine

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Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2


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