
Automatic group installation equipment
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Contact person:Mr. Pu Yonggang (General Manager)


Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2

QQ; 1660780726




Automatic group loader

Release date:2017-07-22 The author:admin Click on:

The automatic group is a highly specialized manufacturing industry in the category of light industrial machinery. It has many varieties and few batch production characteristics, and can implement the diversification of products. Automatic machine industry group should not only adopt injection, pouring process, cold adhesive technology equipment, and equipment of cable joint process, as well as target group installed automatically the leading product, with independent intellectual property rights for the pioneer, the corresponding development of the industry of short, flat, fast product, to enhance group automatically installed the vitality of enterprises.

Automatic group installation is a kind of durable consumer goods, has its own fixed renewal term, general automatic group installation renewal cycle is 3 ~ 5 years. The overall demand for the automatic assembly industry is also declining in the current market conditions of the automatic assembly industry, which also means the postponement of the assembly machinery update. In addition, autonomous development and introduction of new technologies for automatic group enterprises have a relatively long period, usually a period of four years. And most of the professional automatic installation exhibition in China is one year. In order to be at the conference "to launch new products, new technology, many automatic group installed enterprise after some old mechanical modification as a new product launch, in fact the technology content and value of the exhibition are reduced year by year. Tour for the enterprise, to participate in an exhibition is expensive, the effect is worse and worse.

Related tags:Automaticassemblyofplugs

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Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2


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