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Shenzhen Yonglun Automation Equipment Co., Ltd

Contact person:Mr. Pu Yonggang (General Manager)


Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2

QQ; 1660780726




Automation is the future direction of manufacturing industry

Release date:2017-07-18 The author:admin Click on:

It is true that the replacement of the machine is faster. And the emergence and development of modern information technology, to further improve the automatic and intelligent level of the machine, make its work on repeatability, stylized, have more than one superior accuracy and stability. More and more jobs, like skilled factory workers and bank tellers, have been replaced by machines.

However, in the history of machine generation, the machine can not completely replace labor. On the one hand, machines are capable of doing things according to established rules, but they are weaker than intuitive reactions, inferences, and complex communication and creativity, which are human strengths. On the other hand, while replacing human labor, machines constantly create new industries and jobs, and promote the continuous evolution of industrial structure and employment structure. For example, robots replace a large number of blue-collar jobs, but also create jobs in robot design, production, installation, operation, maintenance, etc. Indeed, the economic development of the industrial revolution has shown that machinery and automation have not caused unemployment to rise sharply.

In some ways, the popularity of automation also has a positive effect on the maintenance of jobs. If you can't continue innovation, adopts the most advanced technology, for an enterprise, will be knocked out in the market competition, for a country, may be due to the loss of industrial competitiveness lost more jobs. As the labor wages, land prices in recent years and business costs continue to rise quickly, developing countries on the basis of the low cost of international competitiveness is being weakened, by introducing represented by industrial robot automation equipment, not only help to improve production efficiency, maintain cost advantages, and can improve the product quality, stability and degree of refinement, driving the transformation and upgrade of the industry. Moreover, replacing human labor with machine is an effective way to deal with aging society and solve labor shortage problem.

Of course, while technological advances have boosted productivity and thus become a source of sustained economic growth, machines will not automatically benefit every member of society. Those who benefit are the owners and users of the machines, and those who are replaced by machines have to accept lower wages and even unemployment and poverty. Response to the automation of structural unemployment, it needs to adjust the structure of social redistribution, will bring the machine productivity to create wealth, to give back to society in the form of public goods, such as to provide basic life safeguard to the unemployed and reemployment training, to adapt the unemployed to the new work, etc.

Currently, robot, artificial intelligence, such as 3 d printing, online collaborative manufacturing technology represented by the third industrial revolution is on the rise, with a higher wisdom machine is evolving, the machine will be able to complete more work more cheaply than humans, human intelligence has been more and more challenges.

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Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2


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