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The structure and classification of automatic assembly machine

Release date:2017-06-12 The author:admin Click on:

Automatic assembly machine according to the applicability of the host can be divided into two categories: First, tailored according to specific products dedicated automatic assembly machine; the second is a flexible range of program control automatic assembly machine.

    First, dedicated automatic assembly machine

    Automatic assembly machine must have three functions, namely, assembly, transmission and spare parts supply. In particular, the transmission function is an important factor in determining the production of automatic assembly machine. In order to assemble a part, the fixture or base member must be conveyed from the intermittent pause position to the next position. Each working position is called an assembly station (assembly station). The automatic assembly machine is usually composed of one or more stations, The design of the station to the overall performance of the assembly machine as the basis, combined with the structural complexity of the product to determine its content and quantity.

   (1) multi-station automatic assembly machine

    ① fixed sequence operation automatic assembly machine. It is suitable for automatic assembly machine for mass production of single breed.

    ② Automatic assembly machine for sequential operation using assembly robots. Assembly robots play the same role as an ordinary single-function assembly tool on the job line, and the robot is actually a programmable high-performance assembly tool. This automatic assembly machine does not replace the parts of the supply device, can not adapt to a variety of transformations. In order to play the role of assembling the robot, you can program the position of the same parts to achieve the installation of different parts of the same parts, such as tightening screws, which is similar to welding robots and spraying robots, but also through programming control, Parts are mounted on the base of the same location.

(2) single-station automatic assembly machine

     In the traditional single-station assembly machine, the following three parts can be assembled products. But the use of assembly robots can be assembled in a number of parts of the product.

     ① independent automatic assembly machine. Equipped with only one assembly robot, can be equipped with many parts, in one place to complete all the assembly operations.

     ② assembly center. It is a configuration of multiple fixed assembly robots or with a quick replacement of the assembly tool system, the use of hopper with the role of the tray, complete sets of machines to provide a large number of parts, in the same place to complete the assembly operations.

     ③ automatic assembly machine with coordinate type assembly robot. It is the use of X-Y coordinate robot, a simple dialogue program design, the key parts by tray supply, is a more flexible system, positioning accuracy of up to 0.01mm. The above automatic assembly machine is suitable for the assembly of a product, and many facilities are rigid and are not suitable for product replacement.

Second, flexible automatic assembly machine

In the automatic assembly technology, people are mainly concerned about the flexible automatic assembly machine. Although flexible assembly techniques are known to everyone, there is no definite definition in terms of terminology. In fact, flexibility depends on people, programmable, combined, quick replacement of assembly tools and selectable stations, and a man-machine interface system.

Flexible assembly system consists of the following components: assembly robot system, flexible material handling system, parts automatic feeding system, tools (finger) automatic replacement device and tool library, visual system, basic parts system, control system and computer management system.

Flexible automatic assembly machine usually has two forms: First, modular modular flexible assembly machine, and the other is the assembly robot as the main programmable flexible automatic assembly machine.

Automatic assembly machine according to its structure can be divided into three kinds:

(1) flexible assembly unit with one or more robots, in a fixed station in accordance with the procedures to complete a variety of assembly work;

(2) multi-station flexible synchronization system by the transmission system composed of fixed or dedicated assembly line, the use of computer control, the respective programmable and optional stations, and thus flexible;

(3) Flexible assembly machine with modular structure This structure consists of a combination of equipment (such as drilling, loading screws, screwing screw mechanism), tools and control devices can be closed or placed in the protective device Inside. For example, the mounting mechanism for mounting the screw is composed of a robot feeding device, a guide rail and a control device mounted in the case, and can be connected to the conveyor. This combination of multi-function automatic assembly machine, usually have more than three assembly functions.

Related tags:Automaticassemblymachineequipment

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Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2


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