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Driving the consequences of hand brake so serious

Release date:2017-04-18 The author:admin Click on:

Every time the owner in the test driver's license when the coach will repeatedly reminded to remember to put the hand brake, but some new drivers are often forgotten before driving this crop, resulting in new car brake problems.

Real event:

Colleagues on the road encountered such a car, not far away to see the car behind the white smoke, he thought it was the car on fire, but opened a look that the car's rear wheel has been kept smoke , Just the car has a 4S shop friends, he said at a glance, it is likely that the other side forget the hand brake will lead to such a result.

Open the car, the friend pointed to his rear to greet each other, but the owner may be a novice, just looking at the front of the car, did not take into account the instructions of friends, and friends is a car People, he showed a friend to the car to the front of the smoke car, slow down, this forced the smoke of the vehicle stopped.

The owner of the car after the performance of the more annoying, do not understand why to stop his car. When he told the smoke of the situation, he came to understand.

The original owner of the car is really a novice, for the new car on the various function keys are not very understanding, only refueling, braking, playing the steering wheel, and in the car often forget to let the hand brake, this appears a rear smoke Case.

Expert reminder: driving forget the handbrake is a novice often made one of the mistakes, this error will make the brake disc wear accelerated, hand brake pull line elongated, resulting in lower braking performance of the vehicle if a long time pull the hand brake, Leading to brake cylinder killed, brake oil leakage, brake fluid temperature rise, the last brake function completely disappeared.

Car handbrake


Related tags:Carhandbrake

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Add:Shenzhen city Gongming heshuikou village Wen Ge Industrial Park 2


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